As mentioned a few times in the responses - quality has a price. Ensuring that you're putting out quality code has a price. Lots of programmers would rather ignore that price to get to "something that runs". Phew I made the date... we can check in our code and go watch some TikToks.
The problem is that you pay the price sooner or later. And when you pay it later it will be paid with GREATLY compounded interest. Product managers will pontificate about "opportunity cost" as a reason to rush poorly thought-out trash out the door, then yell when your sprints are filled up trying to fix all the bugs that came from running when you should have walked ("why aren't we moving faster... why is my velocity so bad"), writing code when you should have been designing.
Most old fart developers learned a long time ago - it is better to get the foundations right (and maybe then use macros to write a bunch of the code) than to rush through something to achieve some arbitrary date, and then be punished for the rest of your working lives due to terrible decisions you made early in the cycle.